Southern Oregon Gets Oily
Between social media, public events, and open forums you cannot go anywhere in southern Oregon without being able to bump into an essential oils rep. From Young Living to doTerra, and everything in between, representatives for oil sales highly populate the local community. From the messages inviting you to join in Facebook parties, or the adds showcasing purity standards, oils are everywhere.
The popularity has risen substantially over the past five years with Young Living Essential oils exceeding over 1.5 Billion in 2017 alone. DoTerra is a close second with sales soaring over 1.2 Billion in 2016 and 2017. Though these tend to be the most discussed oils on the market their primary revenue comes from its multi-level marketing plan, allowing each rep to not only sell the oils but to grow their team to earn higher commissions and bonuses like paid vacations and free products.
Some of the favorite oils of Amy Kahler, an essential oils distributor for Young Living. (Summer Mincks)
But what is the lure in southern Oregon? Why are there so many reps willing to educate and distribute at the drop of a hat?
The majority of representatives in the area have stated that their primary focus was gaining health benefits for their families and friends. From aroma therapeutic benefits to supplements for everything from probiotics to weight loss, the majority of main stream companies boast health and wellness improvement. Now, of course any rep will explain that not every single oil is a complete cure all, but they do believe there is an oil for the relief of treatment of almost any ailment.
Independent Distributor for doTerra essential oils, Lorien Behrle, says the main reason for popularity stems from people gaining benefits from the products on a mass scale.
Frankincense is one of the most popular oils sold by Young Living and boasts numerous health benefits. (Summer Mincks)
Lorien has states, “I feel Essential Oils are blowing up and growing more popular recently because people are taking a step back and realizing how well they work, and how much better they are for you health in many cases.”
Many people will wonder what makes each oil company special and how do they set themselves apart from oils that you may find at your local grocery store or even health food store. As any rep or oil user will explain, it all has to do with the level of dilution and purity. No two oil companies are alike in the way that they process and craft their oils. Often ones sold at mainstream box stores not only contain hydrogenated oils as a form of dilution, they also can contain chemicals or pesticides. According to aroma therapeutics this taints the quality of the oil and almost completely voids out any health benefits you may receive from the product. Young Living, for example boasts it’s Seed to Seal promise to guarantee their personal standard of quality and purity. For Southern Oregon, with their current passion for all things Organic, purity and sustainability go hand in hand. This passion for organic living and natural medicine throughout the area is one of the biggest reasons why the essential oil community has exploded in growth.
Citrus Fresh is another incredibly popular oil with the Young Living brand. Used for everything from detoxing to weight loss. (Summer Mincks)
Beyond the acclaimed health benefits, the majority of reps also find a sort of kinship and camaraderie within the essential oil community. Often, they say that upon joining you are immediately taken into the world of a family. Through social media outlets like Facebook and Instagram oil users and independent reps are able to make connections with each other. Each group is made to be a safe environment to ask questions, share stories, and get helpful training advice on how to use the product as well as how to market it to customers.
Daisy Spurgeon, a doTerra independent distributor in the community has states that oils have done much more for just her family in terms of health and wellness, but also in lifting her confidence and improving her independence.
“I love my oils,” she states, “and well all my herbal remedies because of the empowerment they give you. Especially as a wife/mom I can’t even begin to describe how much they’ve boosted my confidence in myself to care for my family.”
Young Living has also release a full line of skincare products and cosmetics, that boast nutrient packed, and organic ingredients. (Summer Mincks)
Not everyone is proponents of oil use however, and there are concerns regarding the efficacy and the safety of the products. Even some of the biggest fans of essential oils discuss concerns for the safety. Blogger Katie, of the highly popular Wellness Mama, speaks of her own concerns with the safety of oils, essentially regarding the factor of high concentration and dilution. Many people may struggle with balancing the dilution of specific oils in order to get the desired effects.
Essential Oils are gaining a huge popularity within the realms of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. (Summer Mincks - Taken from Summer Mincks Instagram Profile)
No matter who you are in the essential oil industry, whether a rep or a user, all can agree that all products should be researched fully in order to obtain the correct and desired effects. From medical sources to the massive amounts of resources through social media groups and organizations, the information is most certainly out there. This allows everyone to make the most educated and well-versed decision for themselves and those they care about. No matter the side of the fence, there is more than enough information on both sides to lead to an informed public.