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7 Almost Free Things to Do with Your Family in Grants Pass This Summer

Here we are in the middle of July, it’s hot, it’s Summery, and if you’ve already pulled out all the activities from your back pocket, it’s boring. Sure, with a huge budget you can probably come up with plenty of places to go and things to see, but often we are left with more cartoon themed moths in our wallets than dollar bills.

So, what’s an already stressed-out mom or dad to do with too much time on their little monster’s hands while not enough dough in their wallet to make a cracker?

Though I cannot provide tons of info on other locations I’ve decided I will start locally and feature seven of my favorite places and activities to do with my kiddos in Grants Pass. The best part about this list is that almost all of these places are not only super affordable, but they are also just about FREE.

Yes, you heard that right…FREE.

So, let’s get started, shall we?

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

1. Go Bear Hunting

Last year I featured an article all about how Grants Pass puts a whole new meaning to the concept of bear hunting. This fun game for your family to play doesn’t involve guns or camo and on the upside simply calls for some good walking shoes and some cool drinks. Just begin at one end of town and travel up or down sixth and seventh street until you and your family find all the beautiful crafted bears stationed throughout downtown grants pass. These beautifully designed and painted bears are a whimsical and wonderful treat for children to visit. Have them makeup stories about each bear or have them talk about their favorites. This is a fantastic game, especially for little ones with big imaginations. Make a scavenger hunt out of the adventure by printing out this free PDF created by Evergreen Federal that shows the names of each bear and where to find them.

Cost: FREE

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

2. Visit the Local Splash Pad

I’ll be the first to admit that I was not the biggest fan of Riverside Park in the past. Bad press coupled with horror stories left me with a bad taste in my mouth. But with news of the new splash pad built back in September 2018, I had to at least give the park another shot. I am so glad I did! The splash pad is full of fun water activities that splash and spray. Add in the fun and creative toys with everything from zebras to a giant Barrel that dumps tons of water at random times and you have an immersive and sensory pleasing experience for tons of kiddos of various ages.

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

The kids love spending hours running around the splash pad and cooling off with the fun characters and spray toys, all while I sit and enjoy the view of their smiles from a very nearby table. Recent clean-up efforts and better security have also aided in created a play area that is both fun and safe for our community’s children. Visiting the splash pad also boasts a two for one deal as your littles can also explore the renovated playground right next door. My kids love getting soaked in the water and then drying off while they play on the fun themed equipment of the play structure.

Cost: FREE

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

3. Go on a History Hunt

Anyone who knows me knows that there is nothing I love more than something that blends fun with learning. And what’s the biggest, but the nearly unknown secret of our town? The super fascinating history that surrounds us! Our little town is chocked full of fascinating history and historical landmarks. Most of our buildings are actually the original structures and many are over a hundred years old. Print off pictures of the town throughout the generations, which can easily be found online using a quick google search, then walk around while comparing the past to now.

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

Swing by landmarks like the Grants Pass Pharmacy for a .75 Cent Phosphate or Blind Georges Newstand for popcorn or their classic .75 Cent mini-kiddie cones for all the kids and kids at heart in your group. And while you’re at Blind George’s be sure to ask them about the original “Blind George” and learn some amazing fun facts about the business. Our town is absolutely a treasure trove of fun facts and history that are sure to keep your children interested and hungry for more. You can also check out the local Historical Society website for some more information to add to your journey.

Cost: Free to Minimal if Ice Creams and Phosphates are involved

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

4. Check out a Car Show

I know, I know. Car shows can be kind of an acquired taste, but hear me out. There is nothing like a shiny automobile to light up the eyes of a child. My kiddos are the definition of Geek children, with their loves ranging from books to video games and history. BUT they still have an absolute blast checking out all sorts of vehicles and cars all the way from the 1920’s to the 1980’s. Each one is kept in amazing condition and the shining and sparkling colors look like a sea of rainbows as you walk down the historic streets of Grants Pass.

There are various car shows throughout the year in downtown Grants Pass, but the biggest event of the year comes during the end of July during Back to the 50’s Week. This huge event spans several days and showcases everything from car shows to parades and various vendor-based events like concerts and contests. This year the events begin on Tuesday, July 23rd to Saturday, July 27th and a full calendar of events can be found here. We love this event as it boasts so many fun activities and is a great opportunity to take a step back in time for a few days. Make it a full event and dress up with your kiddos. Want to keep it budget-friendly? Simple t-shirts with rolled-up sleeves, jeans cuffed up at the ankle an inch or two, and don’t forget about the bandanas in the hair if you have little girls. These classic looks are easy and affordable to add even more fun to your adventure and most of the items you probably have in your closet.

Cost: Free to Minimal if you opt for drinks and treats by local vendors.

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

5. Visit the Lavender Farms

Ok so this isn’t technically in Grants Pass, but it certainly is not too far off. Heading out on Williams Hwy towards Jacksonville lies plenty of beautiful Lavender farms and field. Each year starting the end of June through July, weekends are devoted to various lavender festivals throughout the region. Visiting the Facebook page is the best way to stay up to date on the specific events occurring, but touring the beautifully purple fields is almost always available and the best part; free. My kiddos love taking in the breathtaking view of acres of lavender and smelling the aroma. Even on a tight budget we always partake in some freshly made lavender lemonade and the girls love getting to “you-pick” their own lavender bouquets.

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

Depending on the time you can also gain access to various workshops in the region that teach everything from cooking to crafting with this beautiful purple flower. Add in some education, there I go again, ha, and ask the farmers if they will share some interesting facts or show you some special things that give the lavender such fascinating traits. Print out some facts on lavender before you go and read them in the car ride. Lavender is a fascinating plant with everything from medicinal and material-based uses. Visiting the farms is a sure-fire way to get the kiddos learning and finding delight in nature.

Cost: Free to Minimal if you pay for drinks or treats

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

6. Concerts in the Park

Each summer from June through August concerts are featured at Riverside Park in Grants Pass. The concerts range from blues to country and from rock to swing. Every Tuesday night starting at 6:30pm bring a picnic dinner, some lawn chairs, or your favorite picnic blanket and enjoy dinner and musical performances while sitting outside and enjoying the natural scenery. Our kiddos love the opportunity to eat their dinner outside on the grass and sing and dance to the various bands featured. Each one is family-friendly and sure to introduce your children to a varied range of musical styles.

Cost: Free + cost of picnic dinner

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

7. Movies in the Park

Check out this schedule of events to see find your favorite movies being shown at various parks throughout Grants Pass. This is a fun way to get the family out and watching a movie together. It’s like a classic drive-in feel and a perfect opportunity to bond as a family while watching a classic film under the stars. Movies like the Sandlot and Mary Poppins keeps the setting family appropriate while making sure the adults are just as entertained. This is another activity that is a great chance to have an evening picnic in the park. I would suggest arriving early especially for this event to get great parking and a good spot for viewing the film.

Cost: Free + cost of picnic dinner.

(Photo Credit - Summer Mincks)

There you have it folks, seven of our favorite things to do during Summertime in Grants Pass. If you’re like us being budget conscious is always a must and keeping our kids entertained is a key thing when keeping our sanity.

I really hope this short and sweet list gave you some ideas for affordable activities to get your family out of the house and enjoying what our town has to offer this Summer.

What’s something that you and your family enjoy doing in Grants Pass? Let us know and send us some pics. We love hearing about all of your adventures!

Stay Traveling Folks!

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